Reverse Hipster's Reviews
Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston 8.1/10 B

Eddie showed he was in the zone from the start of the match. He came right out, got in position, and didn't look at anybody besides Jericho. The big spot of the match was Jericho suplexing Eddie from the apron to the floor. From then on, he worked Eddie's back and even put him in the walls of Jericho. Eddie refused to lose, and he fought back and knocked Jericho down with a flurry of surprising strikes. The sequence looked like something you see at the end of a UFC fight. Then, Kingston put on an arm and head submission, and made Jericho tap.
Jericho took Eddie too lightly this match, and it cost him in the end. Eddie proved himself, but in the end, Jericho couldn't go through with his end and shake Eddie's hand. The match wasn't mind blowing, it was a solid mix of story and action.
ReDRagon vs. The Young Bucks vs. Jurassic Express, AEW Tag Team Championship 8.8/10 B+

The ref had very little control over this match. The guys were just coming in and out at will, and I wonder if that's because a tag triple threat is no disqualification like a singles triple threat. Either way, it made the match better, and more fast-paced and exciting. The Bucks and ReDRagon had an agreement of some kind to team up on the tag champions. On the one hand, it made little sense because there could only be one winner, and it didn't matter who got pinned. Also, the agreement didn't seem to involve fighting each other, which makes no sense. However, a positive of that choice was that it led to many great underdog spots for Jurassic Express. I was disappointed the ReDRagon and the Young Bucks didn't implode, but they had a few cool betrayal spots, and the match was a highlight reel. The spot of the match, though, goes to Jungle Boy performing a shooting star press onto Kyle O'Reilly, who had Luchasauraus in a guillotine submission. The Jurassic Express showed a lot of resilience, weathered the storm, and retained their titles. I can't wait to see what they do next.
Face of the Revolution Ladder Match 7.9/10 C+

My standards for ladder matches are pretty high, and I don't think this match was as good as it could have been. I felt like the match never got in a rhythm, where there was sequence after sequence of amazing action. There were too many times where guys just stared at each other instead of acting. Also, the match kept promising this epic big man brawl between Wardlow, Keith Lee, and Powerhouse Hobbs, and it never really happened. Hobbs broke up the fight a couple of times, and Wardlow attacked from behind when Hobbs and Lee were fighting. It felt like a broken promise.
There were a lot of fun spots in the match too. I think Orange Cassidy was the MVP of the ladder match. He had the spot of the match when he skinned a cat on a ladder that two wrestlers were holding and nearly grabbed the brass ring. Also, Wardlow winning the match was probably the right choice. He is peaking at the right time.
Jade Cargill vs. Tay Conti, TBS Title 8.2/10 B

This match surprised me. I think Jade just had her best match yet and showed that she could do more than we thought. Also, her Mortal Kombat ring gear was superb. Tay really pressed Jade like nobody else has. Tay Conti tried to kick Jade's head off and landed three Sheamus-esque kicks on Jade's head. Also, when Tay couldn't stop Jade alone, because she just kept coming back harder, Anna Jay got involved. Anna hit Jade with a chair, and Tay pinned Jade, and she still kicked out. It makes you wonder what it will take to put this woman down? As long as Jade keeps having competitive matches, I hope we don't find out anytime soon.
MJF vs. CM Punk, Dog Collar Match 7.9/10 C+

Due to spoilers, I knew Wardlow betrayed MJF. I just didn't know how. When I saw that, I was disappointed because I didn't want anything to dilute this personal battle between MJF and CM Punk. However, now that I've seen it, Wardlow giving the ring to CM Punk was one of the best spots of the match, and he didn't physically interfere, so he didn't dilute the match.
I think this match wasn't physical enough. I know both men bled, but I felt like CM Punk bled way too early. The spot where he bled wasn't memorable enough for him to bleed like that. MJF's spot was a little more memorable, and he got kneed in the face with the collar wrapped around CM Punk's knee. But mostly, it was practical, believable that someone would bleed when they did. Also, there weren't a lot of false finishes or chances for the wrestlers to give up. There was a lot reeling from damage that had been done, but I would have liked to see these guys try to break each other's will a little more than they did. The thumbtack spots at the end were the spots I felt delivered most on what the promos set this match up to be. The finish was good. In the end, CM Punk slammed MJF in thumbtacks and prepared to take out MJF with his own ring. MJF spit at Punk one final act of defiance before CM Punk took him out and won the match.
Thunder Rosa vs. Britt Baker 7.8/10 C+

This match had a good match story. Rosa couldn't get a fair match because Britt's goons kept attacking her. Also, I like that AEW protected Rosa by having Britt pinned and submitted while the ref was turned around. The storytelling of the match is responsible for most of the match grade, and the wrestling facilitating that storytelling was pretty basic. Also, it's hard for me to worry about anything Britt will do to Rosa in a regular match after seeing what Rosa could survive in her hardcore match with Mercedes Martinez on Dynamite. This match wasn't the end of the line battle of a lifetime it was advertised as. Britt retained via interference and it just kind of was what it was. I know Rosa was injured before the match, but without knowing the extent of the injury, it's difficult to decipher how much of this match is due to that injury.
Bryan Danielson vs. Jon Moxley 7/10 C-

I was astonished by how average this match was. Daniel and Jon are both excellent wrestlers, but this match just didn't feel like it was PPV level. To me, it felt like they were holding something back. Once again, a wrestler bled, but it didn't really feel like it was super necessary. Moxley got caught with a hard punch by Bryan and was busted open. While that's very realistic, was it the most entertaining way for Jon to be busted open? Then, even the finish was wonky. Bryan was pinned while applying a submission. It felt like, wow, that's it?! It's over?! It caught me by surprise. It just felt like it would have been a lot better based on the hype going into this match. The brawl after, and debut by William Regal, really saved this match from being rated lower.
Matt Hardy, Andrade El Idolo, and Isiah Kassidy vs. Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, and Sting, Tornado Trio Match 9/10 A-

This match came out of nowhere and stole the entire show. I meant this when I said I wanted sequence after sequence of amazing action, and this match got a rhythm and provided shock and awe. The action was entertaining and totally sucked me in. I had no idea what would happen at any given moment in this match, but I was glued to it. I can't pick the best spot for this match because there were two. First, there was 62-year-old Sting jumping off the ledge in the audience and onto Andrade, who was on a stack of tables. I mean, if you remember how Sting's run in WWE ended, and then you fast forward to what he is doing now, it's unbelievable. Second, Sammy grabbed Isiah Kassidy and hit a Spanish fly off the top of the entrance stage structure onto two tables. It was absolute insanity. Sting, Darby, and Sammy won the match and the PPV.
Adam Cole vs. Adam Page, AEW Title 9/10 A-

Both Adam Cole and Adam Page were really impressive in this match. Cole hit a superkick on Page while he was in mid-air doing a backflip. Cole also hit the Panama Sunrise on the outside, then hit another one on the inside of the ring, and then lowered the boom with a knee to the back of Page's head. However, somehow Page kicked out after all that. Page hit Cole with a deadeye off the apron through a table. Page fought through all the interference from ReDRagon, and The Dark Order backed him up. Also, Page finished off Cole with a combination of the Buckshot Lariat and Cole's own move, the knee to the back of the head. It was coldblooded.
Rob's Reviews
Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston

This was one of many well-built feuds on this card. AEW was smart to book Chris Jericho as the first entrant of the main card. Though it was already a challenge to follow a fast-paced preshow, the Judas entrance got the crowd engaged. Eddie Kingston brought a different energy to his entrance. Kingston's brawler style isn't my preferred wrestling style, but it's a strength that differentiates him on the highly athletic work rate style of AEW's roster. For that reason, putting this match first was a mistake because it masked that strength, whereas this match really would have popped in between other matches on the card. It was cool to see the 25-year veteran Jericho try to blend into Kingston's style too. In the end, Kingston is the right choice to go over, so he can shake off the reputation of losing big matches, and Jericho's reputation isn't harmed that much in the long run.
Final Grade: 5/10 Average
Jurassic Express vs. ReDRagon vs. the Young Bucks, AEW Tag Team Championship

Put in a typically slow spot on the card, but this match didn't give a second for the crowd to fall asleep. Going into this match, the champions were actually the least interesting part, with the tension between ReDRagon and the Young Bucks. This was also ReDRagon's first AEW PPV match, while the Young Bucks have been out of the tag team championship picture for long enough that I was itching to see them steal the show again. Jurassic Express quickly proved me wrong for thinking that. Luchasaurus was agile and dynamic, hitting quick standing moonsaults and throwing opponents all over the place. Jungle Boy pulled out some sequences that I couldn't dream of, a top-rope hurricarana into a german suplex that needs to be seen to be believed. This was a statement, a career-defining match for Jurassic Express to beat two of AEW's best teams. The only thing keeping this short of a better grade is that I actually think they tried to get too much in the amount of time they had. There were questionable kick-outs and weird timing on spots toward the end, but it was an otherwise fantastic AEW tag team match.
Final Grade: 7/10 Good
Face of the Revolution Ladder Match

When you think the wrestling world is out of ideas for ladder match spots, they always find some creative new ideas. I loved Orange Cassidy climbing the competitors to try to grab the ring and flipping over the ladder, and standing on it to try to pull off a surprise win. What made this ladder match unique was the composition of its competitors. There was built-in psychology when the three big men of the match kept trying to have a showdown, and they delayed that moment until near the end in a stage spot reminiscent of Braun Strowman's run a couple of years ago. Again, I thought they could have done a little more high-flying spots with the stipulation, but I like that they did something different. Wardlow was the absolute correct choice to win in line with his story with MJF and the way the crowd is reacting to him right now. Nobody else in the match was hurt with the booking because everyone had a moment to shine.
Final Grade: 7/10 Good
Jade Cargill vs. Tay Conti, TBS Championship

These two women have had impressive showings in AEW, so I think this match could have benefitted from a little more build before the match. For what they were given, I thought they did well. Jade Cargill has been steadily improving since joining AEW. Until Cargill loses, every match she has will have built-in meaning, and she can build a new star with her first loss. Because of the underbuilt feud, it was smart that today was not that day.
Final Grade: 5/10 Average
CM Punk vs. MJF, Dog Collar Match

MJF coming out to CM Punk's entrance was a great way to remind the fans that he is still a heel. CM Punk coming out to his old Ring of Honor theme was a moment that represents everything I love about AEW. It rewards diligent fans of indy wrestling's storied history, played into Tony Khan buying ROH, and doesn't detract from the match if you don't know it. I had never heard the theme before, but I thought the entrance was awesome, and Excalibur explained it well enough for me to appreciate it in the story of the feud and the match. What followed was slow but masterful storytelling. I laughed aloud when MJF tried to escape from the ring early in the match. It was like even though he knew a dog collar tied him to Punk, he couldn't change that. It was in his blood to try to escape when things got hard. There were brutal spots using the chain like a whip, and Punk was busted open early with a crimson mask like I haven't seen since the early 2000s. MJF did a great job selling a hand injury that limited him all match.
The conclusion was perfectly paced storytelling. They used the tacks masterfully with pump fakes before a superplex on Punk, MJF crawling through tacks in a desperate attempt to beat Punk, and then MJF ultimately taking the perfect tack bump after a Punk GTS. The slow build with Wardlow paid off here, too, as he feigned being unable to find MJF's ring and then let Punk use it to defeat MJF in his own game. A great conclusion to the likely feud of the year. MJF is trending toward being the superstar of the year, and it feels like Punk is back in his best form.
Final Grade: 9/10 Amazing
Britt Baker vs. Thunder Rosa, AEW Women's Championship

It feels like AEW again put their women in a tough spot here, which is unfortunate considering the history of women's wrestling being used as the "bathroom break" match. They did the best they could, but it didn't feel like it matched the energy of their feud as much as their historic no DQ match on Dynamite did. In a show where it was hard to stand out, I think they tried to slow it down a little bit, but the crowd was just a little out of it. Because of that, I think it was smart to let Britt Baker stay champion until her challenger is moreover with the crowd or they have more time to tell the story.
Final Grade: 5/10 Average
Bryan Danielson vs. Jon Moxley

To me, the story of this match was cooler than the match itself. Bryan Danielson said he was going to take it to Jon Moxley in his own game, and he did. As he said in the promo, Moxley was bleeding but not Danielson. But Moxley beat Danielson in his own game, too: he held his own in the wrestling portion of the match, and a Danielson-like wrestling maneuver gave Moxley the win. After the match, it looked like there was no way these two were going to get along enough to start a faction, but then the only person who could gain control of the situation came out. WILLIAM REGAL in AEW was an unexpected, super over spot, and it got the tired crowd back into the show. And so the story continues: If Regal can get these two on the same page and mastermind a faction, they are going to be lethal in AEW's roster.
Final Grade: 7/10 Good
Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy, and Andrade El Idolo vs. Sting, Darby Allin, and Sammy Guevara, Tornado Match

Think again if you thought this match was a placeholder to give the crowd a break before the main event. Darby Allin hit a suicide dive on Jose, who was sitting on a chair with a garbage can over his upper body. Even while not defending his title, Sammy Guevara tried to steal the show with a Spanish fly off a stage prop through two tables. The 60+-year-old Sting hit a splash on Andrade through so many tables I lost count. The babyfaces won in a nice moment for the crowd. I'm not quite sure how to grade this match because it was a perfect car crash, but I don't know if that's what we needed at this point in the night.
Final Grade: 6/10 Above Average
Adam Page vs. Adam Cole, AEW Championship

What else could you do at this point in the show? There had been a bruiser match, high work rate match, ladder match, gory match, story match, and high spot match. So Adam Page and Adam Cole decided to just try to do it all. Depending on how much you thought they succeeded, you may rate this match much higher or lower than me. The style felt like an NJPW main event, like a G1 Climax final. The work rate and psychology were excellent, and they kicked out of so many moves that I lost track. They had a fun spot with ReDRagon and the Dark Order and even a fake finish with dirty tactics. For me, it was a good match that showed off the marvel of athleticism, stamina, and execution these two wrestlers have. But I'd be lying if I said the "hit every move and kick out of everything" philosophy didn't take me out of it a little. I'm glad Page's championship reign is continuing, but he will have to find a way to stand out a little more if he expects to beat out everyone else on this card.
Final Grade: 7/10 Good
Stay tuned to find out the overall grades of the AEW Revolution PPV.
Fantasy Booking Chapter 6 Royal Rumble

Find out who I would book to win the Royal Rumble. Also, have you ever wondered what would happen if Brock Lesnar won the IC Championship? Find out the answer to this question as well as how I would book the Bloodline and Women's Tag Titles at Royal Rumble on Patreon. Join the Patreon, support the blog, and get access to this long-term fantasy booking of The Bloodline that will conclude at WrestleMania.
Rob’s Overall PPV Grade
AEW's PPV's are can't miss. It reminds me of the peak of NXT Takeovers, but the difference is this is a show with almost a dozen matches on it, all trying to stand out in long matches. I don't think I would have built this card the way they did, but I see what they were trying to do with every match. This was one of the weaker crowds for a show like this too. I felt like they were quiet when the wrestlers were giving everything, and that hurt too. Maybe they were as tired as me by the end, and to be fair, AEW didn't provide them with a break. I love AEW, and I love pro wrestling, but I think AEW will have to try a little harder to condense these cards, give the crowds some breaks, and make sure the matches are different from one another. This was a little too much of the indy wrestling complaint for me, a lot of "3 finishers, kick out at 2" matches. But then again, maybe this is an "old man yells at cloud" complaint. Everything on the show was too good! I can't point to anything that was majorly a thumbs down on this show, and every match was somewhere between average and great. If you haven't seen it, it's another must-watch PPV from AEW. Maybe just make sure you take a break at some point in the middle.
Final Grade: 7/10 Good
Reverse Hipster's Overall PPV Grade 81.8 B
Revolution was interesting. Except for Eddie vs. Jericho, all the matches with epic builds fell short of my expectations. However, a lot of the matches that weren't built very well and didn't have a lot of hype over-performed and stole the show. All in all, these two things balanced out and provided a solid show.