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The Raw Rundown: Kiss Me, I'm Champion

Reverse Hipster

Drew, Gunther, and Damian 

Mattered: ️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

King Gunther Crown

This segment was excellent. Gunther immediately came for Priest and established himself as a world title-level challenger and King. Damian made sure people remembered that he was above Gunther. He made the case that Gunther was carried to the crown by his henchmen, whereas Damian earned his Money In the Bank by winning a ladder match. Gunther was unaffected and said that all he cared about was wrestling, and nobody had been able to touch him inside the ring. Even though Gunther is plain, his explanation about being focused on wrestling and only wrestling presents the audience with an investible character.

Damian Gunther Drew

However, just when things got tense between Gunther and Damian, Drew came out and scolded Damian for daring to look past him to Gunther. Drew pointed out that he had the home-field advantage, and the crowd would mentally break down. He claimed that he would end Damian's fluke title reign. Damian was unfazed and then brought up Drew's wife to show how easily he could get into his head. This segment did a great job setting up for the next two premium live events, and Damian was a huge winner. Damian held his own against two men on the mic and came away looking even more like the final boss(not Rock).

Ricotet vs Dragonuv 


Bron speared Ricochet

Ricotet and Dragonuv were on their way to another fantastic match, but this time, Ricochet was going to win and prove that Dragonuv wasn't better than him when Bron showed up and speared Ricotet. Bron ruined the match but also brutalized Ricochet and made a statement. Bron looked even more dangerous because he wasn't even supposed to be there that night, and he apparently doesn't give a damn what the GM says. Bron is a dangerous man, and he couldn't care less about what management has to say. There is nobody who can control him. Everyone looks like a million bucks in this story so far.

Kross Tries to Breakup New Day 

Mattered ️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

Kross New Day

Kross approached Xavier and said he would help him rise to the top, but first, he had to leave Kofi behind. Xavier, of course, said no, and Kofi was, of course, offended. Kross made the point that Kofi had his time, and if Kofi were a real friend, he would want Xavier to have his. This could all just be mind games, but doing a breakup storyline for the New Day is smart. The most compelling thing that could be put on the line in a New Day story is their bond.

Braun vs. JD 

Mattered ️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Braun JD Chair

This match was very well executed. As good as JD is, we all know that in a straight-up fight, JD stands no chance against Braun, but it was anything but a fair fight. Finn and Carlito played the numbers game all match to help JD win, but that just made Braun look even better when he overcame it all and won the match. It got even better after the match when JD tried to hit Braun with a chair after the match, and Braun acted as if he had been hit with a pillow. Braun turned around, and JD, Carlito, and Balor were forced to run to the back with their tails between their legs as BRAUUN gave chase.

AOP vs. The Creeds 


AOP Finishing Move

This was big, meaty men slapping meat. They are just four enormous wrestlers who should not be as athletic as they are. Men this big and athletic have to be scary to their competitors. Nobody was backing down in this match. They went balls to the wall from the second the bell rang until Scarlet finally tipped the scales by distracting Julius Creed so that AOP could get the win. I love the Creeds, but they didn't lose clean, and AOP needed this win.

Ludwig and Sheamus Brawl 

Mattered ️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Ludwig and Sheamus

Sheamus finally returned, and to nobody's surprise, he wanted to put a foot in Ludwig's ass. However, to everyone's surprise, Ludwig actually held his ground, and instead of running, he ambushed Sheamus, and they brawled until officials separated them. We already know Sheamus is a dawg, but Ludwig is gaining some serious cred in this feud. I apologize, Ludwig. I didn't know you were this viscous. I was not familiar with your game.

Lyra vs Kairi Sane 


Insane Elbow

Lyra fought this match with injured ribs courtesy of Nia Jax. Sane made Lyra pay for it throughout the match, but it was just when Sane felt she had won the match that Lyra would pull a rabbit out of the hat and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Kairi was about to come down with her Insane Elbow when Lyra pushed up and kicked Sane's elbow, quickly pinning her. Lyra's injury hampered the match, but the finish was so creative that it was still above average.

Liv Morgan


Liv Morgan claimed that she had nothing to do with Dominik showing up to her match, and in fact, she challenged Becky to a cage match. I love Liv Morgan stepping up to the plate and being a fighting champion. She isn't backing down from anything, and her involvement with Dom remains mysterious. Although I'm crossing my fingers that she has stolen Rhea's man.

Where is JD?

Mattered ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Damian Carlito Dom

After his match with Braun, JD is missing, and Damian isn't pleased with his loss or Finn and Carlito leaving him behind. Again, Damian reiterates that Carlito needs to handle his business with Rey tonight.

Becky Lynch and Lyra Talk

Didn't Matter ⭐️⭐️

Lyra Lynch locker room

This segment is an excellent example of how Becky and Lyra don't work together. The segment is supposed to be Becky giving Lyra a pep talk after they both lost at King of the Ring. However, Becky sits down and says things didn't go their way, but they must get back up. However, Becky's demeanor was that she had just come in between other things. Also, she was talking to herself as much as Lyra. Lyra didn't really say anything during this interaction and seemed amused by this drop-in. They have no real relationship and no real investment in the other, winning or losing, and it looks as if Becky is dropping in to give unsolicited advice. Becky and Lyra need to work on selling this chemistry more in their segments. Without a genuine sense of chemistry, these segments fall flat.

Judgment Day Liv Problem Carlito Kicked Out

Mattered ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Damian Dominik

Damian makes his stance on Liv Morgan clear. He is loyal to Rhea, and Dom better fixes this Liv problem, or there will be hell to pay. He also let it be known he didn't authorize Dom to interfere in that women's match, King of Ring. Damian also lets Carlito know he is on his own against Rey Mysterio.

IYO Freaked Out After Lyra Beats Sane

Mattered ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

IYO breaks table

When Dokota Kai and Sane returned to IYO, they did not like what they found. IYO completely flipped and trashed her room because Lyra beat Sane. IYO is struggling to put this rookie Lyra in her place, and it's clearly getting to her.

Rey Wins the Battle, But Carlito Wins the War

Mattered ️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

Damian superkick Rey

The Carlito and Rey match was average. Surprisingly, Rey Mysterio beat Carlito in their first match and got revenge. However, due to Rey and the LWO beating up Judgment Day in an after-the-match brawl, Damian Priest had to get involved. Once Damian got involved, he easily turned the tide and took out Dragon Lee and Rey Mysterio. Rey may have beaten Carlito, but now, just as Carlito planned, Rey and the LWO have to deal with all of Judgment Day.

Sonya Courts, Zoey, and Shayna

Mattered ⭐️⭐️⭐️.4

Zoey Shayna Deville

Sonya tries to get Zoey and Shayna to hire her, but they are the number one contenders and don't feel like they need her. However, Sonya claims they don't get the respect they deserve. To underscore the point, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn walk up and disrespectfully challenge Zoey and Shayna. I find myself rooting for Shayna and Zoey to continue to ignore Sonya because her character is very hatable. Still, Sonya and Zoey need her, if we are honest.

Otis vs. Reed

Mattered ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Bronson Reed typhoon

The match was pretty good. It was cool to see Bronson and Reed get a chance to face a man that's actually their size. I was most impressed with how easily Otis was able to throw around Reed. However, Otis once again didn't listen to Gable and attempted the worm, but he once again lost.

Chad Gets out of the Belt

Mattered ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Alpha Academy Belt

Alpha Academy is so good right now. They are taking the place of the Bloodline drama. Gable actually tried to make Alpha Academy watch him spank Otis with a belt for losing to Bronson Reed. It was a genius segment. Does it get any more hatable than that? Maxine dared to stand up to Gable a little and stop him from hitting Otis, but then she was kicked out of the ring, and Akira was forced to watch as Otis surrendered to Gable's spanking, but then Sami Zayn ran out to save Otis. However, instead of turning on Gable after Sami and the crowd plead with Otis in a twist of events, Otis defends Gable, which leads to Gable getting the upper hand on Sami. Gable leaves Sami staring up at the lights.

Kiss Me, I'm Champion

Mattered ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

Liv kicks Becky

Liv and Backy had a good back-and-forth match. Liv was punishing Becky against the steel of that cage. Still, Becky lived up to her reputation, and she never stopped getting up and dragging Liv back down into the cage until Dominik once again tried to help out. He opened the cell door for Becky, but Becky didn't want his help, so she turned away. The distraction allowed Liv to get back in it, but Becky was able to rise again and get back in control of the match. However, that's when the perfect storm came together, and Braun came after Finn, JD, and Dom, who were at ringside. Braun accidentally knocks Dom into the cage door, which slams on Becky's head, allowing Liv to escape the cage and retain her title.

Liv Kiss Dominik

Liv officially beat Becky twice, and now Becky is out of title shots. Liv was so happy that she ran up to Dom and kissed him as Raw went off the air. Liv was like, Kiss Me, I'm champion. It was fantastic. Dom and Liv are must-watch TV. Is Dom a willing participant? I think so, and I can't wait for them to reign over WWE. Hopefully, Liv can even take Rhea's place in Judgment Day.

Raw's Final Grade 88/100 B+

Liv Morgan Dominik

This was a very good Raw. Nearly everything mattered on the show, and there were multiple compelling story developments and matches. Raw came out swinging after King Crown. I hope they can keep this up.



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