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Love Hate and Other Characters

Reverse Hipster


5. Jacqueline, The Bold Type, S4 Ep 5

Jacqueline is so good at being a mentor. I always say she is like the Dumbledore of Scarlet. Even while she was dealing with stress at home, she remained a good mentor. Jane inadvertently calls her out, saying she could not write about Jacqueline's happy marriage after hearing that Jacqueline's marriage was on the rocks. Most bosses whom Jane confronted after she listened in on a private convo and made judgments would punish Jane. However, Jacqueline is not most bosses. She sits down with Jane and explains that it is not really about her marriage troubles but rather Jane protecting a fantasy image of marriage. Because of that talk, Jane grew and talked to her father about the real details of his marriage to her mother.

4. Brady, The Bold Type, Season 4 Ep 5

In this episode, Brady is trying to bond with Richards's mom. I think this episode show one of Brady's best qualities. Her willingness to try new things and be unapologetically herself. She switched careers and went into fashion to follow her dreams, and that was a huge swing. Then she went for designing then after designing and even having success; she realized she wanted to style. I admire her willingness to be true to herself and go after what she wants. She demonstrated that when she did not let Richards's mom look down on her, and she stood up for herself and her life choices, it was badass.

3. Tim, Titans, S3 Ep 13

Tim is finally living out his dreams because he is a Titan. One of my favorite parts of the episode was when Nightwing welcomes him to the team. Also, I love that he does not have powers, and Batman did not handpick him. He just grinded it out himself. He is a self-made superhero. Also, his study was useful. He was the only one who knew about Catwoman and Batman and knew her real name, which helped them to defeat Crane. Also, I like that he was the one to knock out Crane. Plus, Tim's determination to be a hero and do what is right helped remind Donna why she was a hero in the first place.

2. Gar, Titans, S3 Ep 13

I still love Gar. He is the most understanding of the group. When he met Raven, he took care of her. He took care of Superboy when he first arrived. Also, he was the first one to accept Redhood. He also saved Nightwings life and unlocked a new transformation into a bat. Also, he was the first one to get in the RV; Gar is the best. I hope they explore more of his character in season four because he has been pushed to the side, and he should not be.

  1. Riddle Crown Jewel

Riddle is absolutely hilarious. He actually makes Randy more likable. Riddle is super talented in the ring. He has one of the best movesets in WWE. He is hilarious on the mic. Riddle has it all. His entrance to Crown Jewel had me rolling. I cannot believe he came out on a camel. Riddle is one of my favorites. I hope he wins the royal rumble.


2. Kat, The Bold Type, S3 Ep 4

I am normally a big fan of Kat, but not in this episode. She wanted to have casual sex with someone, which is not a crime. However, she vibed with the person way more than she expected and ended up at a birthday party with her However, when she realized how well they were getting along, she probably pretended to go to the bathroom and just left. It was a trash bag move to ghost the girl in front of all her friends. She could have just talked to her afterward or at the very least made up a reason she had to leave after the bathroom. I am surprised Kat could be so selfish and thoughtless.

1. Jason

I am not as forgiving as Gar. I still have not forgiven Jason. He killed Hank, and that is still a big deal. I do not care that he helped the Titans. It was what he should have done—the least of what he should have done after all the damage he did. Also, I hate that he did not even have the guts to face the Titans after everything he did. Also, he said this is the Titans' job to finish like he did not cause all of this drama. I am still not a fan of Jason, and I don't know what he can do to redeem himself. What would it take to redeem Jason, in your opinion?

Other Characters

2. Blackfire & Superboy, Titans, S3 Ep 13

Blackfire forgave Superboy way too easily. He totally betrayed her, and I get maybe her forgiving him later after time. However, her instantly identifying with him and forgiving him was super unrealistic. Blackfire killed her parents and sacrificed a bodyguard to try and get power, and she just forgives Superboy after he rips it away? Also, Superboy goes from deciding to make sure she never gets home by force to helping her rebuild her ship, and I really did not see the character work that led to that choice. Especially because it pretty much worked out for him.

  1. Ryan, The Bold Type, Season 4 Ep 4

I think Ryan is lying to Jane. I think he did more than kiss the girl. When Jane asked him to tell her what happened, he seemed panicked and seemed like he was leaving things out. Also, he keeps trying to tell her something. Also, he is way too guilty for it to have been just a kiss. I think he feels so guilty because he knows that he is lying to Jane, which got worse when she forgave him. In this episode, Brady is trying to bond with Richards's mom. I think this episode show one of Brady's best qualities. Her willingness to try new things and be unapologetically herself. She switched careers and went into fashion to follow her dreams, and that was a huge swing. Then she went for designing then after designing and even having success; she realized she wanted to style. I admire her willingness to be true to herself and go after what she wants. She demonstrated that when she did not let Richards's mom look down on her, and she stood up for herself and her life choices, it was badass.

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Én kommentar

26. okt. 2021

Who would you have Riddle face if he won the rumble ?

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